XI Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad Logo

Euro-Asian Astronomical Society

The XI Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad

13 November - 22 November, 2015
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hosted by: Bangladesh Astronomical Association

Jointly Organize by:
Bangladesh Astronomical Association
Daffodil International University
Cultural Department, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bangladesh
National Museum of Science & Technology, Bangladesh

In Association with: South Asian Astronomy Educational Network
Prothom Alo The Guide Tours Ekattor TV

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XI Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad

We are happy to inform you that The Bangladesh Astronomy Olympiad National Committee under auspices of the Bangladesh Astronomical Association, Daffodil International University, Cultural Department, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bangladesh & National Museum on Science & Technology, Bangladesh is going to organize an International Astronomy Olympiad – the XI Asia-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad which will be held on 13-22 November 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The activities and programs of the 11th APAO consist of the theoretical, practical and observational rounds in astronomy, scientific and cultural excursions, lectures, and social events.

Countries (participants): the countries of Asia and Oceania may participate with the teams which members live in the Asian or Oceanic territory of the countries.

For more information http://www.issp.ac.ru/iao/apao/2015/index_e.html and https://www.facebook.com/groups/1413488132314579/

We look forward to see you all in Dhaka, Bangladesh in November.

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